
Military Order of the Cootie Pup Tent 6  

The Military Order of the Cootie is the "Honor Degree of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States” and we need to remember this as we fulfill our roles as Cooties.

As members of the Honor Degree of the VFW leading by example, we must continue to demonstrate our dedication to the VFW and MOC. 
The Military Order of the Cootie (MOC) is an organization within an organization. It is a distinction reserved for "active" members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars; those who have succeeded as an officer on any level, or who have demonstrated ability as a leader of a major Post committee or function. These Comrades-in-arms have a special place reserved for them in the MOC; a place of recognition for efforts made by those who want to make a difference in the world around them.
Pup Tent 6's home is located at VFW Post 5951

Military Order of the Cootie to be redirected to Supreme Headquarters

for additional information and forms.